“When you plant a seed of LOVE, it is you that blossoms.”

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

“Satori” originates from Zen Buddhism, it refers to awakening, enlightenment, or comprehension of one’s true nature. Satori signifies a profound shift in perception, an awakening to the true nature of reality beyond the limitations of the ego and everyday understanding. It represents a direct, intuitive experience of interconnectedness, where the self and the world are no longer seen as separate entities.

This site serves to celebrate, support and spread the awareness of the ultimate reality as well as the entheogenic use of cannabis. As a divine spiritual tool, this plant teacher has the power to encourage and facilitate the expansion and transformation of  the heart-mind. Everything on this website is intentionally selected and shared with the desire that it will be of benefit to all who seek to further their self-realization and understanding.

May the divine light in us all recognize the unity of all beings.

Namaste 🙏🏼